Street flooding caused by storms is much more than an inconvenience of urban life — it disrupts economic activity and hinders vital services provided by first responders. By stressing the capacity of sewers and water-treatment plants, flooding can also increase microbial threats to health.
Contending with this infrastructure challenge in the City of Newark was the topic of a Technology and Society Forum presentation featuring Howard Neukrug, former water commissioner of Philadelphia, as keynote speaker. Technical experts from the region, including representatives from the Newark Department of Engineering and the Newark Department of Water and Sewer Utilities, joined Neukrug in exploring the problems flooding presents and the range of solutions available.
As Philadelphia’s water commissioner, Neukrug created the city’s $2.5 Billion Green City, Clean Waters Program, a revolutionary approach to urban land and water management. Currently a Senior Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, he advises cities and utilities in areas such as civil engineering, urban planning and sustainability. He is also establishing a regional and global Water Policy Center.
NJIT welcomed attendees from all area colleges, universities, and professions. This public forum qualified attendees for Professional Development Hours.
Albert Dorman Honors College
John A. Reif, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Otto H. York Dept of Chem and Material Engineering,
Dept of Chemistry and Env Science