Global Leadership and Careers within the United Nations
Michael Emery
Director of Human Resources at the UN Population Fund
March 7, 2014, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm NJIT Campus Center Ballroom A
Michael Emery is currently the Director for the Division for Human Resources at the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) in New York. Michael has served for more than 23 years with the United Nations and other international organizations and NGOs in New York, Geneva, West Africa, the Balkans and East Timor. Prior to joining UNFPA, Michael was the Director of Human Resources at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Geneva, after holding the position of Chief of Recruitment at UNDP, New York (2006-10). He served with the UN in various roles between 2000-2005 including as Chief of Peacekeeping’s Career Development Unit (2003-05), Chief of the International Staff Unit (2002-03) and Chief, Language and Training Unit (2000-02) based in East Timor. He also was Chief of the Training Management Unit, UNPROFOR/UN in the former Yugoslavia between 1994 - 1996. Michael holds a Master’s degree in Organizational Development and Training and a Bachelor of Education.
Michael Emery, the Director of Human Resources at the UN Population Fund and a seasoned leader within the UN System will share with you information on:
What it means to be a leader within a constantly changing, complex and challenging environment
The skills and expectations required of leaders within the United Nations,
What are the types of jobs and other opportunities are available throughout the UN system and why this is relevant to you,
What you should do now to develop your strengths and capacities if you are interested in a career with international organizations,
How to approach career planning holistically,
The critical career elements that have to be simultaneously addressed in order to maximize your chances at being successful.
NJIT welcomed attendees from all area colleges, universities, and professions. This public forum qualified attendees for Professional Development Hours.
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Albert Dorman Honors College
NJIT Center for Leadership and Professional Development (CLPD)
NJIT Career Development Services
NJIT Technology and Society Forum Committee
Murray Center for Women in Technology