Senior Managing Director & Chief Information Officer, TIAA-CREF
March 13, 2013, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm NJIT Campus Center Ballroom A
Annabelle Bexiga, CIO for TIAA-CREF and 2013 Gilbreth Colloquium speaker, will trace dramatic changes that have occurred in the field of information technology (IT) during her 25-year career and forecast where IT innovation is leading. The daughter of Portuguese immigrants, Bexiga will discuss the path to her success in a field still often seen as male turf. She will also explore career opportunities for students combining a technological background with interest in business management and finance.
At TIAA-CREF, Bexiga is directing a major infrastructure improvement program and managing the integrity of company and client information. Under her leadership, TIAA-CREF's IT transformation program is focused on improving the organization’s technology, services and Web experience.
Prior to joining TIAA-CREF, Bexiga was CIO for Bain Capital, LLC and its affiliates, where she was responsible for IT strategy across a global organization. Previously, she was a managing director at JPMorgan, holding executive positions that included COO for Asia Pacific Foreign Exchange based in Singapore.
In 2011, Bexiga was recognized as one of Insurance & Technology magazine's “Elite 8.” Bexiga is also a member of CIO Strategy Exchange, an invitation-only research board; CIO magazine’s Executive Council and Executive Women in IT; and she is an advisor for The Women’s Business Leadership Initiative at Rutgers University Business School.
This year featuring Bexiga as speaker, NJIT’s annual Gilbreth Colloquium is held during Women's History Month. The Murray Center for Women in Technology established the colloquium in honor of industrial engineer Dr. Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972). Gilbreth's 1911 book The Psychology of Management was the foundation for modern industrial-management theory and practice. In the 1940s, Gilbreth also became the first female professor to teach at Newark College of Engineering.
NJIT welcomed attendees from all area colleges, universities, and professions.
Albert Dorman Honors College
NJIT Technology and Society Forum Committee
Murray Center for Women in Technology
NJIT Office of Technology Development
New Jersey Innovation Acceleration Center
Sigma Xi