Director, Center for Natural Resources
Distinguished Professor, John A. Reif, Jr. Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering
October 2, 2013, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
NJIT Campus Center Ballroom
Hurricane Sandy was the second-costliest storm in US history, exceeded only by Katrina in 2005. The superstorm took the lives of 34 New Jersey residents, destroyed more than 72,000 homes and businesses in the state, and caused over $62 billion in damage, mostly in New Jersey and New York.
This weather disaster is the focus of the first session in the new series of Technology and Society Forum presentations, which begin on October 2 with a panel discussion of what we have learned from Sandy that could minimize the human and material toll of future storms. The panelists will also focus on the knowledge and skills that NJIT students can acquire to help in achieving this vital social and technical objective.
The discussion will be led by Dr.Michel Boufadel, professor of civil and environmental engineering at NJIT. Dr. Boufadel has long been engaged with environmental and ecological science. A few days after Sandy hit, he received a National Science Foundation Rapid Response Research Grant that allowed him to form a team to assess the storm’s impact on coastal ecosystems.
Joseph Vietri will discuss Sandy’s impact from the perspective of the US Army Corps of Engineers. He is director of the National Planning Center of Expertise for Costal Storm Damage Reduction formed in 2003 and led by the Corps of Engineers.
Also participating will be Thomas Dallessio, a member of the faculty at NJIT's College of Architecture and Design and director of the university’s Center for Resilient Design. Looking to the future, the center promotes innovation in storm-resistant building and serves as a clearing house for leading-edge information about stronger construction.
NJIT welcomed attendees from all area colleges, universities, and professions. This public forum qualified attendees for Professional Development Hours.
Albert Dorman Honors College
NJIT Technology and Society Forum Committee
Sigma Xi